Apr 8Liked by Casey Lister

This is so so helpful! I want to plant some trees in our yard but everyone tells me that I shouldn't do it too close to the house bc it'll wreck the foundation. What do you think of peppermint trees?

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I love peppermint trees but they have been struggling across Perth lately :( that’s not to say one wouldn’t thrive if nurtured in your garden though!

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Apr 11Liked by Casey Lister

Oh good to know! I've heard they can be a bit picky!

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Apr 10Liked by Casey Lister

Peppermint leaves smell amazing!

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They do! The smell reminds me of my childhood 🥰

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Apr 10Liked by Casey Lister

Great information. I have requested a free verge tree from Freo council so looking forward to that going in.. hoping to get a peppermint. Plus I’ve got several eucs in pots that are desperately in need of planting out. And I want more trees! My block is a tiny 265m2 with about 100m2 for the garden.

Just noticed today in Elisabeth quay they’ve taken up an area of paving and replaced with grass and something like a dozen trees (eucs) and it already feels cooler… who’d have thunk it 😅!

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Ohh I’m so happy to hear they’re adding more trees in the city - we desperately need more everywhere! Our garden is absolutely cooler through summer for adding so many trees - keep on planting I say! ☺️💪🏻

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Apr 8Liked by Casey Lister

This newsletter came at just the right time - we’re building a house on a block small-to-us block of 375sqm and I have been wondering what we could plant that would suit the block size and also wouldn’t get us into trouble with wandering roots ☺️🥰 thank you!

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Oh good I’m so glad you found it handy!! Stay tuned for my next email (hopefully out this afternoon!) with a video tour of the trees I’m growing in our garden ☺️🥰

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