Feb 19Liked by Casey Lister

Hi , Casey,

We have a whole garden of dead grass and sandy soil, would I be best to buy trick loads of clay and poo and improve the whole thing, or just in holes for plants?

Thanks Anna

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Hi Anna! good question! It depends what plants you're wanting to grow - what are your hopes for the garden? veggies? flowers? trees? For trees you can get away with just improving where you'll plant the trees (especially if they are tough trees), but for the rest I'd be aiming to slowly improve the soil in every bed

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Feb 18Liked by Casey Lister

Loved the video Casey! Thanks so much x

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Thanks Lynette! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

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Feb 16Liked by Casey Lister

Hey Casey, any suggestions on how to improve the workability of more clay based soils? My soil is pretty dry and hard at the moment and is predominantly clay based - thankfully its not super moisture repellant and when doing a water soaking in test in does soak in pretty fast (within a couple of mins) but its super hard to dig through so I worry about delicate little plant roots trying to push through.

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Ohh heavy clay soils are so tough (literally)! I'd recommend looking into charles dowding if you havent already - he has heavy clay soil and uses a no dig method plus heaps of organic matter to improve and loosen his soil. Adding organic matter, planting tough plants with tap roots to help break up the soil (fennel, parsnips, daikon etc) and leaving plants roots in the ground to break down after they've finished for the season can all help too! :) you're gonna get the strongest arms ever btw!! haha

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Ah awesome! Thanks for the tip, I’ll check him out. I’ve been researching as I think my problem is more the soil compaction rather than the clay per se at this stage but it seems it’s a similar approach to fixing it! Lots of organic matter and getting the worms back moving!

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Feb 15Liked by Casey Lister

Hey Casey! How about soil improvement for grassed verges. Mine are extremely dry and the grass in some areas are non existent. Can you just throw on the clay and manure and rake it over? I'm guessing maybe spiking it all over with something like a pitchfork then adding the above mentioned? then maybe adding grass seed when more improved? Thanks :)

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Hey Catherine! Good question! For lawns I've never actually added clay... I think I'd be more inclined to top dress with a very light compost/manure mix... maybe like DSATCO piggypost in very small quantities?? Is your verge irrigated?

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