Jun 17Liked by Casey Lister

Ah Casey, I love your style! You give me confidence to just try things πŸ‘πŸ»

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Aw Kym!! That makes me so happy! Absolutely just try anything out there, experimenting is the best part! I’m testing out this pruning technique atm where you make a partial cut just above a bud on a tree to force it to grow and I think it’s working! Sure sometimes experiments fail, but when you get the ones that work it makes it all worthwhile!!

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Jun 18Liked by Casey Lister

Hello Casey

Many, many thanks for today’s email. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and it’s given me heaps of confidence to save seeds again ( which I used to do, years ago. I’ll toss the very old saved seeds and begin again. I do know that some absolutely gorgeous red vincas that are GreenShed bought from Rockingham store don’t have many seeds on them and the same variety doesn’t seem to be available again. They were fabulous and they may have self set but probably be the same as the seedlings I bought a couple of years ago.

I love that you are a local WA gardener. So I treasure your emails. Thanks, and ThanksAgain. IMC (Calli)πŸ’–πŸ’

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Thanks for the lovely message Calli! I hope your vincas have set seed they sound lovely!! πŸ₯° hopefully the rain we’re finally getting means lots of things will germinate in your garden for spring! 😍✨🌸

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Jun 22Liked by Casey Lister

Great inspo as always! I finally have a few totally free days. I gave bulbs gathering dust as well as everlasting seeds. Tomorrow is the day!!

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Ooo yay!! And it looks like it’s gonna be a beautiful sunny day too - have fun!!

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Jun 18Liked by Casey Lister

Hello again Casey, Calli in Rockingham again. Sorry I meant to say any self-sets of my red vincas would most likely NOT BE THE SAME. Blessings

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Ooo so I think they may be self fertile, in which case any self seeding ones in your garden might be quite β€˜true to type’ and quite similar to your original plants!

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Ohhh haha hmm actually I wonder! I’m not sure if vincas are self pollinating or if they tend to hybridise? I’m gonna google that now!

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